Star of Bombay London Dry Gin, created by Bombay Sapphire's Master of Botanicals, brings a rich new dimension to the original signature blend. The addition of ambrette seeds, solely sourced from Ecuador, along with gently dried bergamot orange peel hand-picked in Calabria, help create this exceptionally smooth premium gin. Its higher ABV (47.5%) than normal London Dry Gins, enabling it to express its full potential.
Origin : United Kingdom
Size : 70 cl
Star of Bombay London Dry Gin, created by Bombay Sapphire's Master of Botanicals, brings a rich new dimension to the original signature blend. The addition of ambrette seeds, solely sourced from Ecuador, along with gently dried bergamot orange peel hand-picked in Calabria, help create this exceptionally smooth premium gin. Its higher ABV (47.5%) than normal London Dry Gins, enabling it to express its full potential.
Origin : United Kingdom
Size : 70 cl